Tuesday, November 16, 2010

1997 Tour de Spine

I just found something interesting on Logan's 1997 home page. Apparently a bunch of students road from school to Orlando in 10 days and raised a bunch of money. Plans for next summer boys?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Ride

This past Saturday Captain, Tool and I rode in a Trek organized Breast Cancer Awareness charity ride. Along with us were lots of other people from around the area and a group of girls who are also from Logan but not yet in the club. It was a fairly flat ride at a steady pace and always nice to get out in a big group and ride around the town.

At the end of the ride there was a raffle in which Captain won a autographed George Hincapie jersey, I claimed the last event t-shirt, and Tool asked for a girl's number but was rejected. Maybe next year big guy.

In other news, we have a new member to the club, Michael "Hansel" Miller who has been out with us a couple of times, often leading the pack.

Also, McConaughey got a new bike to replace his old one after the crash. He can be seen posing in the picture below just after he fed the 5000.

See you next time.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Night Rides Are Back!

This past Thursday was our first night ride of the season. Accompanying me were two of the club's premiere members, Banana and a new member, Leanne "Nail" Dalton. Not much can be given as to the origin of her nickname other than this clue: A nail is often followed by this type of Tool.

Due to a mishap on Tuesday's ride with McConaugehy, I was forced to bring the Univega out of retirement and attempt the hills weaving back and forth in one gear. Luckily we were all able to take the Boss and be on our way with little trouble. As is the custom on our night rides, we heading out to Babler State Park for some pitch dark and open streets to ride.

When we arrived back at school we were happily greeted by Mark. We snuggled up next to him and fell asleep as he read us his favorite book.

We have changed the night rides to 8pm for the folks who want to finish sooner. Hope to see you all there on Thursday.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Report

The Ribbon Cutting today was so much more than we could have hoped. Not only did we have multiple students attend, we also had many faculty and staff as well as Dr. Goodman and Dr. Liz.

The day was extra hot, luckily we came prepared with waters and orange slices left over from the Rock's U-7 soccer game. It is always nice to know your friends have your back.

Thanks again to all who attended and a special thanks to those of you who pledged money for our charity ride.

PS: We have a new member, Wes "McConaughey" Curry. Welcome to the club big guy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for New Bike Rack

You're Invited
Logan Cycling Club's Bike Rack Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Date: Monday, May, 24
Time: 3pm
Location: Bike Rack Outside Room 142a
Special Guests: Drs. Goodman, SDC President Julian McMurray, Dr. Jinpu Li
Refreshments will be provided.

Day Four: We Made It!

After a terrible day of riding, we were certain that anything would be better. The morning was a bit cool but the wind had died down and the sun was out. After a few miles in we ran out of outer road and had to travel north for a few miles to pick up with highway FF which would bring us all the way into KC. On our way north we made two stops.

The first stop was in a small town called Aullville. The interesting thing about this town was that the population signs on each side of the town quoted two different numbers. On the way into town the population was 72 and on the way out it was 85. I understand that the three of us would have increased the population but not by 15. I can only assume that in an effort to save money the town decided to create a range in while their population could fall at any time within the next few years. A good way to save taxpayer dollars.

The second stop was in Higginsville. It is a bit larger than Aullville but nothing to get too excited about. While entering downtown we could smell the sweet aroma of bratwurst on the grill. We pulled into the gas station and were pleased to find that it was their one year anniversary, which meant free food and drinks for everyone who stopped.

At about 7:30 that evening we arrived at our final destination at City Hall in Kansas City, Missouri. Shortly after we arrived The First Lady and Mrs. Captain showed up with warm clothes and party hats to celebrate my birthday. That night we partied like we were rockstars and stayed our last night camping in a friend's backyard.

310 total miles and about 22 hours or riding. It sure was an epic trip for us all.

More pictures on our Flickr page.